2024 GHG Emissions Annual Report

Redhorse Corporation Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Annual Report

In an update to our 2023 GHG Emissions Annual Report, Redhorse is pleased to announce that we calculated Scope 3 emissions (Business Travel and Purchased Goods and Services) in addition to our Scopes 2 emissions from our 2022 inventory. This is our second consecutive year reporting using the Persefoni platform, calculating our emissions utilizing a combination of spend-based: industry and distance-based methodologies in accordance with the GHG protocol. Redhorse does not have any Scope 1 emissions to report for this evaluation period, thus this report captures exclusively Scope 2 and 3 emissions. With the addition of 1,189.14 tCO2-e for Scope 3, Redhorse’s total Scope 1-3 Emissions for CY 2023 is 1,349.56 tCO2-e, or the equivalent of approximately 321 average gasoline-powered passenger vehicles.

With the acquisition of Allied Associates International (A2I) in October 2023, we added facilities in London, England and Gainesville, VA to our baseline. Accordingly, we are updating our baseline year to 2023 as this footprint is a better representation of Redhorse operations in the years ahead.

Redhorse still fully supports our remote workforce culture where possible and, as such, expects our emissions to remain consistent with 2023 levels in the coming years. As Redhorse continues to grow, the company will begin to develop plans that enable it to further reduce its emissions and identify viable, cost-effective ways to achieve net-zero operations.

Redhorse intends to include Scope 1-3 emissions in all subsequent GHG Emissions Annual Reports. We would like to thank our partner Persefoni for their guidance and support to our commitment to disclose comprehensive Scope 1-3 emissions.