Redhorse Awarded Five-Year Contract by NAVFAC Southwest

Redhorse has been awarded a five-year contract to provide Environmental Technical and Program Support Services for the Department of the Navy Base Realignment and Closure Program Management Office (BRAC PMO) under contract with Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southwest.

The BRAC PMO mission is to expeditiously and cost effectively provide the services necessary to realign and close Navy and Marine Corps properties through sound business management practices and transformational thinking to support the war fighter and provide savings to the Navy and the federal taxpayer.

In support of this mission, Redhorse environmental experts will provide engineering support services to assist with the oversight of restoration and environmental cleanup activities under the CERCLA and RCRA regulatory framework with the focus of achieving closure and property transfer. Redhorse will also support compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act and public involvement process; provide logistical support and facilities management; data and website analytics, and administrative services.