Redhorse Awarded Natural and Cultural Resources Management tasks at Edwards Air Force Base, California

Redhorse has been awarded tasks supporting natural and cultural resources base-wide compliance activities under the Edwards Air Force Fence to Fence contract. The scope of this effort is to provide for environmental compliance support activities necessary to support Air Force (AF) and Air Force Civil Engineering Center (AFCEC) environmental mission requirements at Edwards AFB.
Activities performed in support of the natural resources program include desert tortoise habitat management on over 60,000 acres of critical habitat and a base-wide desert tortoise density survey. Redhorse is also responsible for a desert tortoise fencing component to protect critical habitat, a two-year invasive species management component, and a Mohave ground squirrel species management task that will be part of a five-year interval population monitoring effort to determine long-term trends.
Cultural resources compliance activities involve monitoring the condition of historic properties that include unevaluated, eligible, and listed historic and prehistoric archaeological sites, sacred sites, historic buildings, and Cold War facilities. Redhorse is responsible for the management of cultural sites and archaeological evaluations which includes determining archaeological site eligibility including site records searches and archival research, retrieving artifacts, and providing support for acquiring State Historic Preservation Office concurrence. Activities also include Native American consultation with several Federally recognized tribes and a cultural resources survey inventory for both archaeological sites and historic buildings. Redhorse will be updating the base Integrated Cultural Resources Management plan and operating the curation department (open to the public) that contains approximately 300 cubic feet of curated artifacts all derived from historic properties and archaeological sites on base.