Redhorse collects 300 toys for Marine Toys for Tots Program

This December, Redhorse participated in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program with toy collection boxes in both the San Diego and National Capital Region offices. Employees donated nearly 300 new toys to the program, which collects these items each year to distribute as Christmas gifts to less fortunate children in the community.

“I was a Marine for 32 years, the majority of them in the Reserves,” said Redhorse CEO David Inmon. “I’ve had the opportunity to support the Toys for Tots program as a Reservist. It’s immensely gratifying to be able to continue that support at Redhorse.”

This year marks the 70th anniversary of Toys for Tots, founded in 1947 by Major Bill Hendricks, USMCR in Los Angeles. The primary goal of Toys for Tots is to deliver, through a new toy at Christmas, a message of hope to less fortunate children that will assist them in becoming responsible, productive, patriotic citizens.

Redhorse employees from around the country contributed to the company’s collective goal, with many who work remotely shipping donations to the San Diego and Arlington collection boxes. We’re grateful for everyone who helped us partner with the Marine Corps Reserve and Toys for Tots to spread holiday cheer this year.

“I want to thank the Redhorse family for your generosity and support of this great program,” Inmon said. “One of my lasting memories, many years ago, is of being there when the toys were being distributed to the children. It was a wonderful event and proof positive of the impact of Toys for Tots.”

Redhorse Toys For Tots collection, 2017