Redhorse to Provide Natural Resource Management and Environmental Compliance Services for the Army

Redhorse was awarded a 5 year contract to provide natural resource management and environmental compliance services to support operational activities at the U.S. National Training Center in Fort Irwin, California. Fort Irwin consists of approximately 755,000 acres in the Mojeve Desert and is home to six known flora/fauna and threatened, endangered or sensitive (TES) species, including the Lane Mountain Milkvetch, Desert Tortoise, Mojave Fringe Toed Lizard, Desert Cymopterus, Burrowing Owls, and the Mojave Ground Squirrel. Redhorse is providing a team of wildlife biologists and GIS specialists to collect and report data on TES species conduct awareness and education briefs, oversee and monitor construction/project activities, collect climate data, respond to wildlife management calls, and care for rescued Desert Tortoises. Redhorse is also helping to develop, maintain, and manage databases and GIS data to support Fort Irwin’s environmental resources impact assessments, planning, and management.