
Redhorse Welcomes New Principal Consultant

Redhorse is pleased to welcome Barbara Toole O’Neil as a Principal Consultant in San Francisco. Barbara has more than 25 years of experience in environmental and energy projects as a research manager, regulator, and lead engineer focusing on climate change, air quality, and multimedia issues for industry. She is a recognized U.S. expert in the air and energy fields and a published expert on trace elements in fuels and combustion. Barbara has led developments in coal processing to improve boiler performance and reduce emissions, performed reviews of power plant permit applications, and conducted assessments of pollution control equipment and fuel resources. She has completed more than 100 greenhouse gas emission inventory, verification, and validation projects, including projects for the California Air Resources Board, Voluntary Carbon Standard, American Carbon Registry, and Clean Development Mechanism/Joint Implementation. Barbara earned her bachelor’s degree in chemistry for Carnegie Mellon and master’s degree in chemical engineering from the University of Akron. She is an active Air Waste Management Association member where she served on the Board of Directors, including one year as vice president.