Renato (Renny) A. DiPentima
President and Chief Executive Officer (Retired) SRA International, Inc.

Dr. DiPentima is the former President, Chief Executive Officer, and Board Director of SRA International. SRA was a leading provider of information technology services and solutions to clients in national security, civil government, and health care and public health. SRA services included strategic consulting; systems design, development, and integration; engineering support; and outsourcing and operations management. The Company also delivered business solutions for text and data mining, contingency and disaster response planning, information assurance, environmental strategies and technology, enterprise architecture, network operations and management, enterprise systems management, and wireless integration.
SRA was a private company, founded in 1978, with revenues about $100M when Dr. DiPentima joined in 1995. SRA International became a public company (NYSE:SRX) in 2002. In 2011, SRA once again became a private company with over 7000 people and valued at over $1.8B. Prior to the position of President and CEO, Dr. DiPentima was President and Chief Operating Officer, President of SRA Consulting and Systems Integration, President of SRA Government Sector, and SRA Vice President and CIO. In November 2015, SRA merged with CSC to form CSRA (NYSE:CSRA) and in February 2018 was acquired by General Dynamics.
Prior to joining SRA in July, 1995, Dr. DiPentima was the Social Security Administration’s (SSA’s) Deputy Commissioner for Systems and was responsible for overseeing and managing all of SSA’s information processing and data and voice communication systems with a staff of over 3000 technical professionals. Dr. DiPentima served on numerous task forces and commissions, including Chairman of the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Improvement Team and Executive Officer of the National Commission on Social Security Reform (Greenspan Commission).
Dr. DiPentima sat on the Board of Directors of Brocade Communications Systems (NASD:BRCD), which was acquired by Broadcom, the Advisory Boards of Sybase and Redhat, and was Senior Advisor to Providence Equity Partners and McKinsey & Company. Presently, Dr. DiPentima sits on the Board of Directors of Cap Gemini Government Solutions, Amida Technology Solutions, iNovex Information Systems, and Gunnison Consulting Group. He sits on the Advisory Board of Blue Delta Capital Partners. He is a past officer of TechAmerica, a fellow of the National Academy of Social Insurance, a past Trustee of the Committee for Economic Development, and a member of the Economic Club of D.C. He sits of the University of Maryland Baltimore County Public Policy External Advisory Board.
Dr. DiPentima’s awards include two Presidential Rank awards (Distinguished and Meritorious Service). He was selected by Government Computer News as the Government Executive of the Year and, after joining SRA, the Industry Executive of the Year. He was honored as Executive of the Year by the Federation of Government Information Processing Councils, and was named Industry Executive of the Year by AFFIRM. He was also elected many times as one of Federal Computer Week’s top 100 IT Executives and was selected as the FCW’s Eagle Award winner and Industry Executive of the Year and was among the first 5 inductees to the FCW Hall of Fame. He also was awarded the Azimuth Award (Industry Executive of the Year) by the Federal Government CIO Council and Post Newsweek Tech Media. He received the ACT/IAC Janice K. Mendenhall Spirit of Leadership Award and the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year® Master Award in Greater Washington. In 2016, he received the President’s Award from Federal Computer Week.
Dr. DiPentima graduated with a B.A. from New York University. He holds an M.A. from George Washington University and a Ph.D. from the University of Maryland. He has also completed the Program for Senior Managers at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.