HSPD-12 Managed Service Office (MSO) Program Support for GSA FAS ITC

The Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12) established the Policy for a Common Identification Standard for Federal Employees and Contractors. General Services Administration (GSA) provides a compliant credentialing capability to 120+ agency customers.

Redhorse has supported the GSA HSPD-12 Managed Service Office (MSO) since 2017, as it maintains continuity of operations while upgrading systems and processes, and prepares to meet the new challenges of program growth and technological changes. Redhorse provides professional services, including: executive leadership briefings and communications, automating processes to reduce workload of administrative processes, identifying and solving management challenges using technology to create actionable business intelligence.

During the COVID-19 crisis, Redhorse has supported USAccess by enabling continuity of services and resilience in the USAccess infrastructure, including presenting research on technology solutions for remote identity proofing (secure exchange and biometrics).

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