Base Realignment and Closure Program Management Office (BRAC) Restoration and Closure Compliance for the Navy

To sustain military readiness and improve the defense mission during changing times and requirements, the Department of Defense (DoD) recognized the need to close some of its installations and realign DoD missions at others. Redhorse supports the Department of the Navy’s Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Program Management Office’s mission in efficiently providing all services necessary to realign, close, and dispose of DON BRAC properties while supporting the warfighter and provide savings to DON and the federal taxpayer.

Redhorse oversees the restoration and site closure activities at multiple (DON) facilities across the southwest Area Of Responsibility (AOR). Responsibilities  include the cleanup of high profile locations such as Hunters Point and Treasure Island, stakeholders and regulatory coordination, extensive public outreach and reporting to include negotiating with contentious NGOs, and management of numerous sites in various stages of cleanup, closure, and transfer. Redhorse is assisting with moving contaminated environmental sites through the closure process with the end objective of transferring the property. Additionally, we supported compliance with the (National Environmental Policy Act) NEPA to ensure all corrective actions were employed in an environmentally sound manner, provided facilities management, data analytics and website management, and administrative services.