Engineering and construction impact data systems and services for US Army Corp of Engineers

Redhorse supports the US Army Corps of Engineers in their mission to engineer solutions to the nation’s toughest challenges through a variety of projects. Redhorse works to support the Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) by providing mission expertise in the Joint Construction Management System (JCMS). This system provides the engineering data used by all military branches for overseas building and construction management activities. Redhorse contingency engineers provide support in data accuracy and quality assurance and developing design guidance that are used by staff in the field for construction activities.

Redhorse subject matter experts also evaluated the likely energy and environmental impacts from newly constructed facilities. The goal was to provide real-time predictive capacity for engineers to properly plan for the electricity, water management, waste water management and other requirements for overseas contingency facilities.  Redhorse staff worked closely with senior scientists from the Corps of Engineers to translate complex computer projections from simulation models into algorithms that could run in laptop simulations. Redhorse staff used their contingency engineering capabilities, combined with the complex computer simulations, to write software that allowed real-time access to this information on tools available to overseas construction teams.

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